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Learning Teaching & Enhancement

Curriculum Development Fund Award Winners Announced

14 inspiring projects have been awarded funding to enhance the student experience at UAL. Discover the range of topics and practices they cover and start planning your own application now!

Art/Work (A Short Film)

UAL Curriculum Development Funding - Apply Now

UAL staff can now apply for up to £5000 to develop the curriculum in ways that enhance the student experience and support transformative learning through experimentation, evaluation and inqui

UAL Pilot: Creative Attributes Framework for Enterprise and Employability

Creative Attributes Framework explains how enterprise and employability learning forms a core part of the curriculum in arts, design and media degrees at University of the Arts London (UAL).



10:00 to 18:00

CCW Fine Art on Careers and Employability in the Curriculum

CCW Fine Art Enterprise & Employability Discussion 29.06.15

SEE Curriculum Development Funded Project: Look At The (E)state We're In (LATEWI)

Conceived as a 'live teaching' experiment and 100% developed and delivered by students from Camberwell, Chelsea, and Wimbledon Colleges, Look At The (E)state We're In (LATEWI) was a res

Teaching as Creative Practice Symposium: Resources from the day

University of the Arts (UAL) symposium explored the relationship between creative practice, creative teaching and teacher identity.



Watch this video!

How do student self-assessments compare to tutor summative assessments and are students’ perceptions of self-assessment affected by involvement in the activity?

The research project explored whether student self-assessment and marking aligns with tutor summative assessments. In addition, Student perceptions of self-assessment were explored before and after carrying out a self-assessment activity, enabling students to comment on various aspects of self-assessment.

My findings indicate that most student participants awarded themselves a mark which was very close to the tutor awarded mark. Findings suggest that those students who assess themselves at a higher grade than the tutor awarded mark, do so by a far greater percentage variation than those whose self-assessments are close to the tutor assessment.