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Digital arts

The Digital Textiles iPad - Introduction & Research Plan


TDP Project Summary, Liz Dodsworth, Visual Learning Aids

See video

Here is a link to the video summary for my TDP project. It covers the rationale, method and results in brief:

TDP Project Summary, Liz Dodsworth, Visual Learning Aids

Here is a link to the video summary for my TDP project. It covers the rationale, method and results in brief:

Open Educational Practice Video Summary (2 minutes)

Watch this video!

This short video summarizes the development process of the openly licensed resource that I created for my PG Cert OEP module.

Context Directory: Open Educational Resource for Illustrator and Photoshop Software.

Follow the link below to access a 'Context Directory' for the teaching and learning of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Generating Graphics Using a Reluctant Office PC Running MS Word

This post explains how you can get some basic graphics into your blog posts without any vector graphics or Photoshop programmes using a reluctant and unhelpful PC.

On-line video resources for learning provided by

See video

Developing Apps for iOS (SD) by Paul Hegarty, Stanford

Watch this video!

Description: Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone platform using the iPhone SDK.

Create a ball/sphere shape in sketchup

Watch this video!

Making a ball/sphere shape and general Sketch up notes (Mac) Wimbledon College of Art 2011

Also view on YouTube -<

Animation of aluminium extrusion process

Thumbnail unavailable

By Materials e-Learning Technologies, Sapa AB, released under CC BY-SA 3.0 license via 7759 reads